Just Dress...

" Where are you going? Do you have an event or something tonight?" Why, why when a men wears more than workout clothes, does he have to be going to an event? The answer is that it's your fault. Men don't know how to dress anymore and there are a few reasons why this has happened and I believe there are solutions that are within the problem.

Firstly, thoughtlessness. I don't know when, where or how it happened but taking pride in how you look has become nuanced. If you dress too well, you're pompous. If you dress like everyone else, you're a sheep. But the fact is this, dressing well not only changes how people view you, it changes how you view yourself. It's literally all psychological. Want to do better at work? Dress better. Want the wife to notice you a bit more? Dress better. The truth is, if you dress better, you will then in fact be better. There is a reason that weddings are usually done with dressier attire, it's because it psychologically shows the significance of the day. So why not make every mundane day, more thought provoking.

Secondly, comfort. "It just isn't comfortable to wear a sport coat or blazer to the office anymore." Did the office change? Did the stress of sitting at a desk change? No, the idea of putting in more effort than you think you should, has changed. It's not that it's uncomfortable to wear, it's that it's uncomfortable for YOU to wear. The main reason is because "well no one dresses that way for work anymore." Hmm, i don't know about you, but isn't standing out in your work a good thing? Want that promotion? Dress better. Dress like the C-suite employees. Dress like the man you want to be, not the man you currently are.

Finally, effort. "I don't know what goes together? When I wake up, I have no time to figure out what to wear." Well, that is why we are here. We match, we pair and we coordinate. We make a wardrobe that you would be proud to wear. We tailor it to your needs and your efforts. The question is, WHO DO YOU WANT TO BE? And for the love of all things good in this world, DRESS!

-James R. Bower Jr.


1 comment

  • Steve Horowitz

    All true
    Men can dress more casually but still
    put some thought into it Remember…
    You only have one opportunity to make a first impression 😉😉

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